Years come and go, and a new one starts. Time never stops ticking... days never stop dawning, months never stop ending. But amidst all the time passing us by, we manage to grasp onto fun moments, make sweet memories, learn, love, laugh, grow, forging ahead.
And now we are about to embark on the journey of a brand new year- approximately 525,600 minutes of 2018.
Are y'all ready to find out what the new year has in store for us all? *grins*
But first, I want to reflect on the moments and adventures of 2017!
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I realized today: I'm almost an adult. Not quite "almost", but in a year and nine months, I'll be an adult! gah, that is way too weird!
January 2, 2017
Well, we're flying. I can see city lights out the window
We're on our own! =D
April 12, 2017
The BEST part of the day was going to the beach!
I got a little knocked around, but I got the hang of it (boogie boarding) more after a while. I still got saltwater in my lungs... well, probably not really. And I "got dunked" underwater. Those waves really beat you. ;) It was fun though!
April 14, 2017
Me and (friend) put most of the boards on the porch today. =D Proud of our accomplishment. We didn't do ALL of it ourselves, but quite a bit.
It rained today too. We got to leave early. :)
July 4, 2017
"Been livin' in our nice new house, enjoying the lovely kitchen. ;)"
"It got dark and we went swimming again! We walked down the road in the cool summer air, stars and moon shining up in the sky, my big towel around my shoulders... #perfectness"
-August 10, 2017
"We're at the reunion!"
"I rode with (older brother) the whole way down here- er, UP here. It was probably around 6 hours."
August 23, 2017
"So it's over, and now we don't have all those cousin to sit around the fire with. *sniff*"
August 28, 2017
"It's 1-something in the morning, so it's technically my 17th birthday!"
September 3, 2017
"I went down the paved driveway some, and sat down in the night. Took star pics and such. So beautiful. It was cold out. Oh fall. <3"
October 1, 2017
November 17, 2017
I got my license!!!!!!! YES!! Finally, the time of having a permit and being behind is over. *sigh...* Eeeep, I can drive by myself!!!
November 27, 2017
So driving alone! You can belt out Christmas songs, talk to yourself... It can be a queer-ish feeling sometimes, too, though. Like, ALONE.
December 13, 2017

October 1, 2017
November 17, 2017
I got my license!!!!!!! YES!! Finally, the time of having a permit and being behind is over. *sigh...* Eeeep, I can drive by myself!!!
November 27, 2017
So driving alone! You can belt out Christmas songs, talk to yourself... It can be a queer-ish feeling sometimes, too, though. Like, ALONE.
December 13, 2017


Went on a little missions excursion with a few people I know, for about a week. Cool experience!
Family came to visit!! We had some fun times going swimming in the river, visiting Civil War battle sites, going to town... <3

My two older siblings came to see us. My brother just visited for a bit, but we got my sister back. *smiles*
Took a spur-of-the-moment trip to South Carolina!
February \\
Went on a hike with cousins and people from home-school group
April \\
Me and my sister grabbed our sunglasses and went on a lovely trip to Florida!! Talk about taking a break from spring and jumping right to summer, and the beach, and tropical, and shells and swimming and alligators! *inserts hearts* Our aunt and uncle + cousins were there, so we stayed at our grandparents condo with them. Blessed times being with them... blessed beach days. I want to go again!
My sister and I attended our home-school group's first high school banquet! It was fun to dress up and have dinner, go on a crazy scavenger hunt, and play volleyball... fun stuff till midnight. *winks and grins*
May \\
After living in a rental since August 2014, we finally bought a house!
June \\
July \\
Went on a little missions excursion with a few people I know, for about a week. Cool experience!
Family came to visit!! We had some fun times going swimming in the river, visiting Civil War battle sites, going to town... <3
August \\
Moved into our new house.
The solar eclipse happened.
We had a family reunion with my dad's side, at a big manor\house we rented! ^___^
September \\
Experienced my 17th birthday.
Started my senior year of home-schooled high school. ;)
October \\
My parents, sister, and I went to a Tenth Avenue North concert!
November \\
Went to a Jonny Diaz concert with my sister and family friends! Plus we got a picture with him, so coolness. *winks*
Got a big horse, named Mousse!
Grandparents visited, and we had a nice Thanksgiving!
December \\
Christmas get-togethers and Christmas Day happened, along with all the seasonal baking and such. :)
Moved into our new house.
The solar eclipse happened.
We had a family reunion with my dad's side, at a big manor\house we rented! ^___^
September \\
Experienced my 17th birthday.
Started my senior year of home-schooled high school. ;)
October \\
November \\
Went to a Jonny Diaz concert with my sister and family friends! Plus we got a picture with him, so coolness. *winks*
Got a big horse, named Mousse!
Grandparents visited, and we had a nice Thanksgiving!
December \\
Christmas get-togethers and Christmas Day happened, along with all the seasonal baking and such. :)
I brought my 13- and 15-year-old brother and sister to pick up our cousins, and we went to hang out in town. *winks* We went to Starbucks (and used the gift cards we all got from our grandma), Walmart, Five Below, and Burger King, for supper. It was dark by then, and I drove back to our cousins house. We hung out for a little while, then headed home. It was a fun day. :)
And thus, the year 2017 ends, and we come to the threshold of beginning again, a new year. ^___^
overnight babysitting with my older sister
went to a trampoline park
got a goldfish, Logy, and he's still livin' *winks*
visited the state of Florida
got my ears pierced
went on an overnight missions excursion
drove a big truck
jumped off a cliff into a river
went to a Christian pop concert
overnight babysitting where I was the oldest person in the house... "in charge".
applied for a job
went to my first job interview
got my driver's licence
drove to the store alone for the first time
When you live in an old house and the toilet starts having problems... and you have to use buckets of water to flush it at midnight. Yea. xP
When you keep cracking up over a picture you took, when someone is making the most hilarious face. *dies laughing* ;P It's so funny.
When you hit your first possum while driving. ;P
Taking a walk down the road with my sisters, with our bowls full of jelly beans. xD
All the twilight\night walks with siblings, with the fireflies, the moon, the stars, and the smell of summer. *sigh*
Finding white paint in your hair while trying on clothes at Goodwill. Yep, I've been painting.
When a semi-truck passes you. *blink blink* Come on, really?
When you get an infected foot, tetanus shot, and poison ivy all in the span of a few days. But the poison ivy was the worst. I still have it. *glares at it*
Taking a shower at midnight. 'Cause you stayed up too late. 'Cause you were texting. xP hehe. That's me for you. Socially impaired, procrastinating night owl. *nods*
Scaring the neighbors cows, yep.
Little bro: (says to roll the window up... or lighting will come in and 'trike us) "Lightning is tough. It will strike us down."

\\ BOOKS READ IN 2017 \\
Taking a walk down the road with my sisters, with our bowls full of jelly beans. xD
All the twilight\night walks with siblings, with the fireflies, the moon, the stars, and the smell of summer. *sigh*
Finding white paint in your hair while trying on clothes at Goodwill. Yep, I've been painting.
When a semi-truck passes you. *blink blink* Come on, really?
When you get an infected foot, tetanus shot, and poison ivy all in the span of a few days. But the poison ivy was the worst. I still have it. *glares at it*
Taking a shower at midnight. 'Cause you stayed up too late. 'Cause you were texting. xP hehe. That's me for you. Socially impaired, procrastinating night owl. *nods*
Scaring the neighbors cows, yep.
Little bro: (says to roll the window up... or lighting will come in and 'trike us) "Lightning is tough. It will strike us down."

A few pictures I took this year... if you want to see more, look through my blog. It takes too long for me to try find all my favorite pictures. ;P
\\ BOOKS READ IN 2017 \\
According to what I recorded on Goodreads, I read\finished reading 22 books this year, counting some books of the Bible.
I *cough* totally failed my reading challenge... by 17 books. xP My challenge was obviously too much, haha.
The collage above are the novels I read (or finished) this year.
Here are the books I'm currently reading, that I'll finish in the new year.
\\ BLOG STATS OF 2017 \\
POST OF 2017: 100
Crazy, crazy stuff, folks. Some of it the scariest thing ever. Also, grand opportunity, new experience, lovely vacation. I'll stop talking in "riddles" now, and just tell you what I KNOW should happen in 2018.
In January, my sister and I are taking a trip to the West Coast for about a month! We'll get to spend time with our brother, relatives, and friends. <3
And also while we're there, I... I am shooting my first wedding. *blink* Can you believe it?! It's a totally new thing in photography for me, and quite crazy and scary. Also a big honor, of course! But... I'm responsible for all the pictures! Like, ME. I'll have my sister there to help me set people up and such, so I'm grateful for that. I just really hope I do a good job, and all goes well. Y'all can say a prayer for me, that I won't be too scared! ;)
In the spring, I believe, our homeschool group will have it's annual high school banquet, which they started doing this past year. That will be something to look forward to again!
Hopefully at the end of May or before, I'll be graduating high school! Little old me, growing up. I don't know what I'll do after this happens. Get a job? Work on getting a photography business started? I don't really know what my purpose is in life, so I guess it'll be the start to a journey of discovery, perhaps. *smiles*
There is also a possibility that all of the seniors from my homeschool group will take a graduation trip!! That would be so cool!
Summer 2018, my family (at least my mom and us) will probably be taking a trip to the West Coast. My uncle is getting married. :) That will be a lot of fun, to again see all the dear people out there. There's another crazy thing that might be going on in this trip, but I think I'll not say anything about it until it's finalized. ;)
September 3, 2018 will be my birthday. Not just ANY birthday, guys. I'll be turning eighteen, entering into adulthood! o.o
TOLD YOU CRAZY THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN THIS YEAR! I'm going to do my first wedding, graduate, and become an adult! Life is happening... all I can say. ;P
. . . . . .
In January, my sister and I are taking a trip to the West Coast for about a month! We'll get to spend time with our brother, relatives, and friends. <3
And also while we're there, I... I am shooting my first wedding. *blink* Can you believe it?! It's a totally new thing in photography for me, and quite crazy and scary. Also a big honor, of course! But... I'm responsible for all the pictures! Like, ME. I'll have my sister there to help me set people up and such, so I'm grateful for that. I just really hope I do a good job, and all goes well. Y'all can say a prayer for me, that I won't be too scared! ;)
In the spring, I believe, our homeschool group will have it's annual high school banquet, which they started doing this past year. That will be something to look forward to again!
Hopefully at the end of May or before, I'll be graduating high school! Little old me, growing up. I don't know what I'll do after this happens. Get a job? Work on getting a photography business started? I don't really know what my purpose is in life, so I guess it'll be the start to a journey of discovery, perhaps. *smiles*
There is also a possibility that all of the seniors from my homeschool group will take a graduation trip!! That would be so cool!
Summer 2018, my family (at least my mom and us) will probably be taking a trip to the West Coast. My uncle is getting married. :) That will be a lot of fun, to again see all the dear people out there. There's another crazy thing that might be going on in this trip, but I think I'll not say anything about it until it's finalized. ;)
September 3, 2018 will be my birthday. Not just ANY birthday, guys. I'll be turning eighteen, entering into adulthood! o.o
TOLD YOU CRAZY THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN THIS YEAR! I'm going to do my first wedding, graduate, and become an adult! Life is happening... all I can say. ;P
Let the adventure begin!
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!! *fireworks*