Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Let Me Ask You Something... Q & A

Let me ask you something... 

Would you like me to give you some questions, and you can answer them in the comments? Yes? Oh, awesome! [Or did you say no? Well, don't really care, hahaha!]

I'm doing a little different type of Q&A: I ask a question, and YOU answer it in the comments. So yes, this post requires your participation. *winks*


Q: Are you an introvert or an extrovert, and\or what is your personality type?

My personality is INFP according to this personality test.

Q: Which do you think is worse, extreme cold temperatures, or extreme hot?

Me? Probably hot. ;P

Q: Here's the impossibly hard question: would you rather be deaf or blind? (you're welcome, haha!)

I think I'd just have to be deaf. Thankfully, I don't have to choose. ;P

Q: If you could meet any famous person, who would you pick?

I might meet the For King and Country guys, tho they aren't totally "famous". 

Q: Did you buy any discounted corn candy this fall? (lol)

I did! *winks and laughs*

Q: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food\dessert?

*Doesn't know if I can answer this...*

Q: What natural disaster would you least like to be in?

Tsunami, maybe? Water is scary. ;P

Well that's all I have for you! :) There's one more thing though... if you want to ask me some questions, I might do a Q & A with them for myself. I've seen other people do them, and they're just kinda fun. *winks*


  1. I'm definitely an introvert. And according to that same test, I'm an INFJ.
    Extreme hot is the worst. UGH. I hate too much heat. You can't escape it.
    Deaf or blind? That's a hard question..... I hope and pray I'm never either one!
    But, I guess.... maybe I'd rather be blind?
    the thought of never hearing people's voices or music, that sounds awful. *the thought of never seeing mountains again also kills me*
    I'd like to meet... David Barton? Maybe Clint Eastwood. lol
    Nope, I'm not a huge fan of candy. *winks*
    My favorite Thanksgiving food? Yeeeah, I can't answer that. Too many. haha
    I'd never want to be in a forest fire... *shivers* burned alive, people! It's terrifying.

    1. I know, heat is just bad. ;P
      It is! Both are such important senses, it's hard to imagine being without one.
      Haha, I think what MAKES it is all the food together... so how do you pick a favorite? ... and I asked the question. xP
      That would be horrible!

  2. A: uhm. I'm probably a introvert. I took that test before but I just took it again to see if I would come up with the same answer. and I did. I am a INFJ. :D
    A: extreme heat is by far the worst thing ever.
    A: I think I would rather be blind. Though never seeing again would be horrible. Never hearing again would be worse. Sounds are what I remember the most about places and people. Voices. the wind. cars driving by. music. To never hear again would simply be THE WORST THING EVER.
    A: hmm... I think I would like to meet Randy Travis or Alan Jackson. I just want to hug them both. <3
    A: Nope. candy corn the just gross. XP but i did buy some discounted chocolates. ;P
    A: that's the hardest question ever asked. ;P I think my favorite would be, pumpkin pie, and mashed potatoes and gravy. Oooohhh and the rolls. WHO CAN PICK JUST ONE!?
    A: I'd have to agree with LaKaysha on this one. A forest fire.

    Questions for YOU:
    1. what is your favorite Thanksgiving memory? Christmas?
    2. if you could play any instrument what would it be?
    3. if you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? In the USA?
    4. of all the pictures you've taken, which is your favorite?
    5. favorite hymn?
    6. do you enjoy flying, or do you do it just to get from one place to another? driving?
    7. would you rather go on a cruise or go backpacking in the mountains?
    8. what wild animal are you most afraid of? (one that is where you live)
    9. what never fails to brighten your day?
    10. would you enjoy off-roading?
    11. if you could have any wild animal for a pet, what would you have?
    12. what is your favorite part of this time of year?

    1. Yea, both times I've taken it, I got INFP, I think. So that must be what I am. ;P It's really interesting to find your personality type, isn't it?
      Heat just isn't fun. Sweating... just no thanks. xP
      To never hear voices, music, and all the wonderful sounds would be terrible... but I think sight is more important to me. ;) I think I just really appreciate beauty (maybe why I'm a photographer *winks*). I wouldn't be able to do photography or draw if I was blind... I wouldn't be able to walk around and know where I was going, see people. It's pretty interesting to see what's most important to everyone though! :)
      What, gross? Pure sugar, mixed with corn syrup and food coloring and flavors is good, c'mon. xD Lol! But yea, chocolate is a better thing to buy. *winks*
      Ha, I know! xP They're just good all together.

      EEEP, thank you for all the questions! These'll be fun! =D

  3. I am an ISFP-t
    Extreme hot is the worst! DO NOT like to much heat
    I would probably want to be blind?
    I would total want to meet CLINT EASTWOOD! <3
    Candy corn isn't very good to me
    Gravy and mashed potato's? *to many*
    Forest fire! That sound so scary!

    1. Oh, cool!
      Me neither, me neither. *winks*
      Blind! I just like sight too much. ;P It would be awful to be without hearing too, though.
      Yep, too many for sure, haha. ;)

  4. Q: Are you an introvert or an extrovert, and\or what is your personality type?
    According to an insanely accurate personality test from 16personalities.com, I am an INFP. This stands for introverted, intuitive, strong knowledge of feelings and good perception. So basically a slight introvert.

    Q: Which do you think is worse, extreme cold temperatures, or extreme hot?
    I'm not really sure. With extreme cold you can always put on more layers but with extreme hot you can't take off any more layers. But I'll go with extreme cold since it's winter right now in MN.

    Q: Would you rather be deaf or blind?
    There is so much to lose with either of these options but I would go with being deaf. I love music, playing it and singing but I also like art and you can also be more independent with vision.
    Q: If you could meet any famous person, who would you pick?
    You didn't specify if the person had to be dead or alive, so I'm taking the liberty of choosing a dead person. I would want to meet few people like, George Washington, Alexander the Great, or Aristotle. As of living famous people, I would want to meet President Trump and George Strait.
    Q: Did you guy any discounted corn candy this fall?
    Nope. I'm not really a fan of candy corn...I mean I'll eat it just because it's candy, not because I necessarily like it.lol
    Q: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food\dessert?
    My favorite Thanksgiving food is "The Ultimate Thanksgiving Sandwich." It's just a combination of everything from the main meal(no dessert) squished between dinner rolls. (Canton started the tradition btw)
    Q: What natural disaster would you least like to be in?
    I would have to agree with you and say tsunami, because you can't really escape from it and you would suffocate in the water.

  5. I didn't realize that we took the exact same personality test at first.

    1. Ahh, that's so cool we have the same personality type! It does seem that I have intuition sometimes... not sure if it's any more than usual tho. *shrugs*
      Quite true. But yea, when you're IN extreme cold right now, I don't blame you for picking it as worse.
      YEEESSSS!! You are right on! ;D I like my sight.
      Haha, that's probably what "S" would say. xD Though she does like candy corn.
      I've heard of a sandwich like that. *winks* That's a good answer though, because it pretty much includes all of the food- you don't have to try to choose one.
      Yea, if you didn't have time to get to high ground... that would be freaky. Just a giant wall of water rushing toward you?! Yikes! ;P

  6. Q: Are you an introvert or an extrovert, and\or what is your personality type?

    I took the same personality test many times and got the same thing every time: INTP.

    Q: Which do you think is worse, extreme cold temperatures, or extreme hot?

    HOT. Because cold weather you can bundle up for, whereas hot? Sweat. ;)

    Q: Here's the impossibly hard question: would you rather be deaf or blind? (you're welcome, haha!)

    Deaf? Or blind?...deaf? I think...

    Q: If you could meet any famous person, who would you pick?

    Maybe Kirk Cameron...although I don't know that he's famous either.

    Q: Did you get any discounted corn candy this fall? (lol)

    I got candy corn from an Amish store, but it wasn't discounted.

    Q: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food\dessert?

    Potatoes! And the gravy... {but we make a recipe called cheesy potatoes instead of just mashed potatoes}

    Q: What natural disaster would you least like to be in?

    I agree with you. Tsunami. I still have my childhood nightmares about those things. I blame Noah's flood. :D

    1. I know, you just sweat! And I hate to sweat. ;P
      Yea, photographers need to see. *winks* I'd hate to be deaf, but sight is too precious to give up...
      Oh, finally another person who like candy corn! *high-five*
      Mmm, both good!
      Yep, tsunamis are scary!

  7. Q: Are you an introvert or an extrovert, and\or what is your personality type?

    I am an introvert, but I believe sometimes people with my personality type are called "quiet extroverts". I've done a few different personality tests (https://www.16personalities.com/ is my favorite!!) and I come up with INFJ.

    Q: Which do you think is worse, extreme cold temperatures, or extreme hot?

    Ah, that's a hard question! I do NOT like extreme temperatures. ;P Extreme cold (aka Minnesota winters) are hard for me to handle ... I can feel it all the way to my bones and it's so miserable. But yeah, there's not much you can do to fix extreme heat...

    Q: Here's the impossibly hard question: would you rather be deaf or blind? (you're welcome, haha!)

    Hmm. I think I'd rather be deaf. It'd be very scary to lose your sight, and I would think it would take more time to become fairly independent again.
    After watching Sue Thomas: FB EYE, I'm amazed at how well some people adjust to being deaf. Sue can speak very well, signs fluently, reads lips in order to communicate with those who don't know sign language, and worked with the FBI! Quite an inspiring story.

    Q: If you could meet any famous person, who would you pick?

    Um ... There are many authors I would like to meet. I'm not sure any of them are technically considered "famous", though. Laura Frantz. Nadine Brandes. Lori Benton. Joanne Bischof. Sarah Sundin. Etc. Etc.
    I also think it would have been amazing to meet some of the founding fathers and influential men and women of the American revolution.

    Q: Did you guy any discounted corn candy this fall? (lol)

    I did not, haha. ;) The closest thing to candy that I've purchased recently is a larabar. It was simply cashews and dates - tasted really yummy! I'm on a sugar-free diet right now, so no candy for me.

    Q: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food\dessert?

    Well, because of this pesky diet and my usual food intolerances, what I can eat on Thanksgiving has been greatly reduced. But if I could put all that aside, my favorite would be ... everything! There just something about the combination of it all, hey? (Canton had the right idea, hehe) Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, corn ... Not to mention, pumpkin pie with lots of whip cream. And chocolate cream pie. And probably a piece of apple pie, too. =D

    Q: What natural disaster would you least like to be in?

    They all sound pretty terrifying. But, as I have a sort of phobia of water-related disasters and such, I'll go with tsunamis. Imagine that massive wall of water descending on you. o.O

    This was a fun idea, Natasha! I decided I couldn't resist answering the questions for myself. ;D

    1. Don't like extreme temperatures either. ;P Though it does make life more interesting, and has it's benefits... such as perfect swimming weather when it's really hot. ;)
      Yea, at least being deaf, you can still walk around normally... well, besides not hearing possible danger and such. ;P
      Tsk, tsk. Poor, unfortunate you, lol. But no PIE! Sad stuff. ;P
      Yep, water is scary! O.O
      Glad you did! ;D

  8. EXTROVERT. esfp/enfp
    Extreme hot. definitely.
    DEAF. totally deaf. cuz sign language is soooo cooollll!!!!!!
    Ray Comfort.
    AHHH that's so hard..probably..all of it. lol xD
    definitely a tornado. or a flood. :D not that I'd ever want to, but it'd be cool if I lived through one :P

    1. Cool! Personality types are interesting. ;)
      Yea, it seems there's more you could do to help being deaf than blind...
      I know! There's too much good food. xD
      Oh, are you saying which one you'd *most* like to be in?

    2. well if I had to pick a natural storm that's just what it'd be. ;)
