Saturday, April 28, 2018
The Liebster Award
Hello guys, I'm back! I missed my Tuesday post. Did you notice? Hopefully I'll start getting more on top of things with my blogging. We'll see. :P
But today I am doing the Liebster Award again! Daminika nominated me. Thanks girl! ^__^
Thank the person who nominated you
Answer the 11 questions they gave you
Name 11 facts about you
Nominate 11 bloggers to do this tag and let them know
Give them 11 questions to answer
What are five "little" things that always make you happy?
Good food. Family\friend get-togethers. When someone I don't know well takes the time to actually notice me. Being done with a difficult or tiring task. Thinking about exciting events that are coming up.
Idk if all of these are so "little" and always make me happy... but it was hard for me to think of things. :P
The first book that made you cry?
What kind of crying are we talking about? Because I don't cry very often from books. Idk why. But one book that made me cry was Troublesome Creek by Jan Watson.
What song describes you?
Well most of the songs I listen to are contemporary Christian pop... so this is kinda hard. I think I song I did for a question like this before was Roll Your Window Down by Scotty McCreery. *long pause to look at songs* Okay, I'll just go with Run Wild by For King and Country.
If you were to play in a movie, who would you want to be your co-star?
Oh, let me see... I'm going with Logan Bartholomew (from the Love Comes Softly movies), or Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian). But when they were younger. ;)
As a child, which Disney prince made you wish you were his princess?
Well... to this day, I still haven't watched all of the Disney Princess movies. But I'll just go with... Flynn Rider. *winks* I was still young when I first watched that, so I'll count it.
One funny thing that happened to you so far this month?
Hmm. Well I accidentally called someone, but that wasn't so funny as embarrassing. *shakes head and laughs*
Favorite Disney soundtrack?
I don't know if I have a favorite soundtrack from an entire Disney movie... just some favorite individual songs. I like I See the Light from Tangled. I like Let it Go too {I'm modern ;P} but how they're going to be making Frozen 2 might kinda wreck that for me...
What movie have you been wanting to watch?
The Greatest Showman (2017)
Who is your favorite author?
Whhaatt. I can't really answer this question! xP I just like good books? I don't know.
What time do you usually go to bed? Get up?
Sometime in the 11 pm hour (can be midnight too). And I get up sometime around 9. Lately it's been a little earlier. It it later sometimes too, but let's ignore that fact. Lol.
Do you like sweet pickles?
I probably prefer dill pickles. :)
1. I don't have a favorite color.
2. I'm scared of... probably MOST bugs.
3. My eyes are green (with blue around the edges).
4. I'm going to be an adult this year.
5. I played disc golf today.
6. I did a scavenger hunt last night.
7. We have a calf named Cupcake. :)
8. My hair was blonde when I was really little.
9. I'm named after my Grandma (through my middle name).
10. I'm largely Scandinavian (like Finnish).
11. I'm chewing gum right now. ;P
I'm going to break this rule. Fine with you? Okay. *winks*
I tag anybody who wants to do this!
1. Your favorite color?
2. Something you hope never happens to you?
3. An old movie you've never watched but want to?
4. A new movie you're never watched but want to?
5. If you have any pets, what are their names?
6. What color are your eyes?
7. Are you more afraid of insects or spiders?
8. Have you ever done a scavenger hunt?
9. Which do you throw better, frisbees or footballs?
10. What is the last thing you ate?
11. Which do you enjoy more, a full moon or a pretty sunset?
Hope you enjoyed! ^___^
ARE YOU GOING TO NOMINATE YOURSELF (if you haven't done this recently)? *winks*
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Spring and God's Creatures \\ PHOTOS
Hey, happy Tuesday night to you guys! Did you all do anything interesting last week? I certainly did. As I said in my last post, I went to watch a movie with friends (and we got milkshakes before that *hearts*). I also got my senior pictures taken! We walked around downtown, which was pretty fun. So I have some nice senior photos, and we got my graduation announcements ordered today. So it's nice to have that down! *winks*
Alright, so I guess I should let you see some of my recent photography!
I was taking a lot of close-ups on this day. Those are fun. :) I should get a macro lens someday... I really like my acorn picture though. ^__^
On a little jaunt down the road, the neighbor cows got some pictures taken. *winks*
This was today... I think Spicy liked the nice weather. :)
One of our cows had her calf, last week I believe. Calves are a lot of fun! <3 {it's a girl, btw *winks*}
I tried to take some pictures of the hummingbird(s) that came to our feeder while I was sitting outside today... but I wasn't successful in getting anything good, unfortunately. Well, I guess this picture is okay, even though the hummingbird is far away. Can you see it? :)
Hope y'all enjoyed this!
Photo Gallery,
Saturday, April 14, 2018
I CAN ONLY IMAGINE movie review
Last night I watched I Can Only Imagine at the theater with a couple friends of mine... it was such a good movie! If you haven't yet, I would definitely recommend going to watch it in theaters!
Growing up in Greenville, Texas, Bart Millard suffers physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his father, Arthur. When Arthur becomes terminally ill, he finds redemption by embracing his faith and rediscovering his love for his son. Years later, Bart's troubled childhood and mended relationship with his dad inspires him to write the hit song "I Can Only Imagine" as singer of the Christian band MercyMe.
It was such a beautiful story. It was about one young man finding out how to heal and forgive, how to find his dreams. It was about another man, finding God and letting Him transform his heart. There was pain, hurt, and sorrow, but also humor, love, and redemption! There were times the theater rippled with laughter, times when people passed the tissues. It was altogether a fully interesting and inspiring story. Loved it, and I so recommend it! <3
I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
DIY Corner: Letter Necklace Hanger
Hey y'all! So today {tonight actually} I have a super easy DIY project that I came up with recently. As I've already given away in the title... a "letter necklace hanger".
I had received this wooden letter "N" from someone, and still not done anything with it. So one day I had the idea to make it into something to hang my necklaces on. Quite simple, but fun and unique. :)
If you want to try it {or see mine}, I shall tell how below. Easy as pie. *winks*
You will need: a wooden craft letter {your first initial}, paint and paintbrush, small hanging nails and hammer, a type of string {twine, ribbon, etc.}, and cardboard {etc.}.
Use cardboard or something sufficient to place the wooden letter on while you paint it the color of your choice.
I used some "outdoor\indoor" white gloss paint we had on hand. *shrugs*
Paint away! Probably do at least two coats.
Let the paint dry.
Now it's time to put in some nails for "hangers".
Nail them wherever you'd like, however many you want. Just make sure that wherever they are on the letter, that once necklaces are hung on them, they won't be hanging into each other... if you get what I mean. ;)
Finally, take your choice of string or ribbon and tie it to the top of the letter in a way that you can hang it by a tack or nail on your wall. I braided some yard and used that. ;P
Or you can be more cool and attach some sort of hanging thing-ys to the back of the letter and hang it up like a picture frame... whatever you choose. ;P
Anyhow, wa-la, your little necklace hanger is complete! *confetti*
Hope you enjoyed this Tuesday post, yet again late. *laughs* Time to go get ready for bed and read books! =D
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
March 2018
Just another month gone by! It's constantly happening. *smiles* I'd say March was a pretty good month for me.
At the beginning of March, I went to a weekend discipleship thing with some friends, which was nice! I also babysat four kids (probably around age 8 and under) earlier in the month. It was a busy day, but rather nice to earn some money! We finished up co-op classes this past Friday. My very last time doing these classes... but who knows, maybe I'll help teach a class next school year? *winks* I'll tell "the rest" with my pictures.
I think I'm going to start doing more of a photo dump for my monthly life posts now... copy some fellow bloggers, hehe. ;P It seems easier though, so why not?
Let's get on with it!
These last school days are happening...
Welcome to the first day of spring! xP
Food is #awesomeness
Selfie with my new phone *winks*

Town run with sisters! And Goodwill! =D

Amaazzing oatmeal-in-the-microwave for breakfast one day. Dates, berries, and walnuts in oatmeal? SO GOOD.

Bowling with friends and cousins and siblings and other fellow homeschoolers!! *grins* My score was 48 on the last round. xP I have no skills.

Pizza in a mug... it was alright. ;)

Letter-reading and skittles! xD
I made lasanga <3333
My fellow homeschool seniors and I got some photos taken. Then me and my mom got groceries at walmart, and had Subway for supper. *hearts*
\\ Me: *in the middle of typing out a text*
Little girl I'm babysitting: *pushes a button and sends it*
\\ Watching When Calls the Heart with the siblings ^___^
\\ Fifteen and thirteen year old siblings having a fun time trying on my graduation stuff. ;P
\\ Little bro saying b-grilla instead of gorilla *laughs*
\\ Mom goes on vacation... Dad buys lots of junk food. xD
\\ NEVER DUMP COLD\ROOM TEMP WATER INTO A PAN THAT'S BEEN IN A HOT OVEN FOR 20 MINUTES. It will shatter. At least that's what happened to me. *guilty laugh* I should've known better... and somehow I didn't see that the recipe said hot water. xP
\\ Riding bikes in the park with friends
\\ Three-year-old bro and I having little Nerf "wars". Hehe.
\\ *Person calls* Is this (says name of dad's business)?
Me: Yes but, uh... the- owners- aren't here, aren't available. xP #answeringthephoneproblems
\\ Buying yet another striped shirt. ;P
\\ I went to a Crowder concert with some friends and their dad. A lesser-known band called The Young Escape was there too. Here's one of their songs that I like! ^___^
\\ Reading in class is like: *heart pounding* Is my speech going to be incapacitated? xP
\\ Little bro: Mom, I smell duct tape in me.
\\ Me earlier in the day: I think I might have a cavity.
*later sister "makes" me buy skittles with her* xP xD
\\ Having a grand time playing with the different Instagram filters with the siblings... You get some good laughs. xD
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