We are on the edge
of 2016- on the brink of beginning a fresh new year, full of new adventures,
experiences, and memory-making! =D I have to say, 2016 has been a very good
year. I did some brand new things... and I'll let you read about the rest
later. ;)
I got my DSLR camera!
=D It's a Nikon D300 and it has been wonderful! One dream-come-true at the
beginning of 2016. It can seem so far off when you're 12 and just started
getting interested in photography... but now I have a great camera! :)
My grandparents came out, and one day (http://tashahphotography.blogspot.com/2016/01/amish-country.html)
we drove around looking at the Amish farms. Of course, I've seen them plenty
more than just that day- they're all over. ;)
I got my long hair chopped off! Well, "chopped
off" then cut with layers at the hair salon. ;) Looking back, it's
actually grown quite a bit. I think I'll be happy when it gets longer, though,
so I can style it better. :)
Some of my older sibling's friends came out- that was nice. :)
Our homeschool group spring co-op started, and went into April. I made a wooden chest.
My homeschool group had an art show, which I enjoyed, of course. ;)
Me and my two older siblings went to a park we'd never been
to... probably in a town we didn't really know either. We had a pretty fun
time... made good memories. :)
Went to the zoo with family- the first time I'd been to a
zoo for a long time.
I discovered Picmonkey, and have been using it ALL THE TIME since. ;) I think I use it the most to put my photography "logo" on my pictures, and to make headers. It has been very nice, although sometimes I hate it too. Because sometimes it won't bring my whole picture up, or chops a bunch of it off when I'm trying to save it. *rolls eyes* That is just annoying. :P
We possibly saw a tornado in "real life" for the first time.
I finished 10th grade. :) (Unless that went a little into June... IDK.)
I helped out at Vacation Bible school
Somewhere around this time I learned how to crochet more than a chain- it probably started in May, not that it really matters. ;P
We went swimming for the first time of the year. I think I only swam like, three times the whole year!
I won first place in the Ilyon Chronicles fan art contest! That's still kind of crazy. :P
We watched fireworks on the lake for the 4th of July! :)
We LEFT FOR THE WEST COAST! =D This was the highlight of my year. Read all about it HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Okay, okay, if you don't want to have to read all of those, I'll give you a few details (but you've probably already heard it anyhow ;P). So, we had a family reunion at my grandparents house- it was wonderful! After the reunion we did... lots of other things. Rode a train, went in caves, hiked, went to the beach, and more. :) It was a wonderful trip.
I left to another destination with my older sister, to a youth and singles event. I wrote about this recently here. It was a great experience! :)
Then from there I went off by myself to stay with family for three weeks. I wrote about it in my last post here. I know, finally writing about what happened back in August, in December. :P
My cousin's wedding happened the 3rd, which was also when I turned 16. :) A couple days later I left back home with my aunt and uncle who had come out for the wedding. My fabulous summer had ended.
I had my 16th birthday party, back at home. :)
I started 11th grade
Pretty much, life returned to normal.
Garage-saling, fall homeschool group co-op...
And I got my driver's permit! =D
Packed boxes for Operation Christmas Child
Walked to the Amish store with cousins and siblings... that was pretty fun. ;)
Had Thanksgiving! ...and went shopping on Black Friday with my mom, aunts, and grandma. :)
Went to a youth Christmas party
Went to the city to see some beautiful Christmas light displays.
Christmas Eve and Christmas! =D Read about it here.
AND I broke my record of monthly posts- pretty much doubled it, actually. I did 21 posts this month! Annnd the reason is my 12 days of Christmas blog series. I did twelve posts in a row! That's another record-breaker. ;P
Thus, 2016 ends!

Sorry, that was not a few! *sighs* Why even try? I can't pick favorites. *dies* ;P
Of course, I learned and improved in photography this year! =D Here are a few of my favorite pictures from this year (if I can only pick a few, that is ;P)
(you may want to skip over this- don't say I didn't warn you!)
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© Natasha Ann Photography all rights reserved |

I did 21 recipe posts this year! *grins* Here are a few of my favorites. (click the image to see the recipe)
I really need to get back into my recipe-making. It slowed down since my summer vacations... and I want to go back on the adventure! =D
\\BOOKS OF 2016\\
I read about 36 books this year! =D That's counting a series my mom read aloud to all of us, books of the Bible, and my sister's unpublished book... and I think they all totally count. ;D
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plus Philemon, Ruth, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John (by the way, this is NOT all I've read of the Bible this year!), and Silver Rose |
SOME OF MY FAVORITES (not in order):
Books of the Infinite series by R. J. Larson
Samara's Peril by Jaye L. Knight
The Golden Braid by Melanie Dickerson
Sky's Bridal Train by Margo Hansen
Silver Rose by Shantelle Mary Hannu
Fantastic books, guys! =D
I'm excited for another year of discovering fantastic books! =D
Seeing my older siblings!
Finishing 11th grade and going on to my last year of school EEEEEEKKK!
Another family reunion, this time with my dad's side this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turning 17! =D I know, I kind of just turned 16... ;P
Any unexpected adventures! :D
My license!
A job. I really need to earn some money. I have stuff to pay off, a car to buy (someday ;P), and places to go! ;D
To see lots and lots and lots of family!
Do some wild, crazy stuff! xD
Get more of a social life
Make up lots of recipes!
Get better at photography, and maybe do some "business". ;)
So, guys. IT HAS BEEN A GREAT YEAR, and I'm very thankful for all the wonderful things I got to do! I hope your year was wonderful as well!
I enjoyed this post a lot! <3
ReplyDeleteI LOVE all the pictures you chose, but especially the mountain ones. ;P I love seeing "my mountain" through your lens. ;P and that one of the ring is AMZAZING!!!
I'm glad! =D
DeleteAh, thank you very much!:D I'm glad you like them!
I just love this post, Natasha! So glad you got to experience some cool adventures this year, and spread your wings a little! :) :) May you go on many more adventures as you walk with God and EMBRACE LIFE! <3
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see you!!
I'm glad that you do! ^___^ I am too- it was great! :D Thank you!
DeleteYES! =D
Gorgeous photos! Happy New Year and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Happy New Year to you, from somewhere in the US. ;)
DeleteGlad you enjoyed it! Thanks! I hope I didn't put too much on there. ;P
ReplyDeleteYea, it CAN be kind of scary thinking of what could happen in the new year... but I think I mostly think of all the good things! ;D I hope you do one! :)