Thursday, January 9, 2020

The All About Me Tag

Hello you all, and Happy New Year! I hope January has been treating you all well thus far. Can you believe it's 2020, a brand new decade?! 

So anyway, I've been by Daminika for The All About Me Tag, so let's get into it. :)  


1. Link back to the person who started the tag.
2. Use the banner above in your post.
3. Answer the questions truthfully.
4. Tag at least three blogger friends.


|| What is your favorite color? 

I don't know. Blues, purples? I can never answer this question. It's ridiculous, I know. *laughs* My favorite color was purple when I was little, I think. For wearing, I like deep colors, especially cool colors, but that probably is just because those look best on me.

|| Your blog/blogs?

This one, Simple Things.

I also have a photography site, Natasha Ann Photography.

|| Do you like to read?

Yes, I do! 

|| What is your favorite book?

Another question I don't know the answer to. So I'll pick one of my favorites that I read last year...

Entwined by Heather Dixon

|| What's your favorite sport?

Can I answer with an Olympic-type sport? Because I'm not into watching ball sports. xP I like figure skating! And gymnastics. Oh, I sometimes play disc golf. I don't LOVE it though. And I'm not very good either, haha!

|| What's your favorite movie?

MAN, I can't do favorites! I'll pick a favorite that I watched last year, once again...

The Magic of Ordinary Days

All the hearts for this movie! It was really good. <3

|| If you could time travel, when would you go?

Probably sometimes in the 1800's, when people went to balls and dances to socialize. How fun would that be?? Not during the Civil War though.

|| Favorite board game?

I really don't play board games that often. I like Apples to Apples, Scategories, Take-Two (like Bananagrams), 
Dutch Blitz, and various other card games.  

|| How many siblings do you have?

E i g h t!

|| What's your favorite Bible verse?

ONE of my favorite Bible verses would probably be... 

"But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."

Isaiah 40:31


Anyone who wants to do it! As usual xP


  1. Hey Natasha! This is Bailey, I am the blogger who started the tag, I love your answers, and your blog is so cute, I will be coming back to read more soon!
    ~Bailey |

    1. Hi Bailey! Cool! Thank you, I'm glad you'll be coming back! :)
