Saturday, March 24, 2018

Let Me Explain Myself \\ The INFP Personality

So, you can't just take a person and put them in a box.
Not really how it works. We're all different. But there is probably a certain category, personality, that we all tend to fit into. Not that we perfectly relate to everything. But, generally speaking.

I think I've taken the 16 Personalities Test twice, and my results were INFP both times. I've told you this before, but today I thought I would talk about my personality a little more. Just for fun, and for my Let Me Explain Myself blog series. *winks* 

The personality "INFP" stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. 

Apparently, we are the "Mediators". The peacemakers. I think I've experienced my peacemaker side... the feeling I get when I feel there could be some potential conflict, it's like

OK, OK, just stop talking now. 

Okay, here are some quotes I took from a couple different sites talking about the INFP personality. Sorry if I totally bore you with all of this... hehe.


"Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration."

"INFPs’ friends and loved ones will come to admire and depend on them for their optimism."

"...and while it can be a challenge to separate long-fostered fantasy from reality, INFPs’ tendency to focus their attention on just a few people in their lives means that they will approach new relationships wholeheartedly, with a sense of inherent value, dedication and trust."

Oh the conflict between the fantasy and reality in my mind. *shakes head* And yes, I think I'm pretty trusting.

"INFPs are private, reserved and self-conscious. This makes them notoriously difficult to really get to know..."

that's like, me to the dot, guys. ^^

"People with the INFP personality type... don’t much care for domineering attitudes at all."

Please don't try to control me or others. I really relate to this one.

"...and they dislike being constrained by rules."

No schedules, anyone? ;P

"The true friends of people with the INFP personality type tend to be few and far between, but those that make the cut are often friends for life. The challenge is the many dualities that this type harbors when it comes to being sociable – INFPs crave the depth of mutual human understanding, but tire easily in social situations; they are excellent at reading into others’ feelings and motivations, but are often unwilling to provide others the same insight into themselves – it’s as though INFPs like the idea of human contact, but not the reality of social contact."

"INFPs’ tendency to protect their sensitive inner cores and values from criticism... means that acquaintances will likely get nowhere near them without sustained and tactful effort."

"INFPs often take challenges and criticisms personally, rather than as inspiration to reassess their positions. Avoiding conflict as much as possible..." 

"Where INFPs will not thrive is in a high-stress, team-heavy, busy environment that burdens them with bureaucracy and tedium. INFPs need to be able to work with creativity and consideration – high-pressure salespeople they are not."

So true. ;P

"I can't verbalize my thoughts, but I'm excellent at writing them out."

Writing my thoughts and feelings out is much easier than speaking them. I have more time to think about what to say, and I don't have to look at someone and audibly make the words come forth. ;P

"The frustrating this is... no one will ever fully understand you as an INFP. In fact I believe that INFP's don't fully understand themselves."

I'm not sure about the first part... maybe nobody will ever understand me, who knows. *shrugs* But the second part? YES. It's like what I said in my first post of this series, how I sometimes feel like I don't even know my own mind.

"It's common for INFP's to daydream and allow their heads to float in the clouds of imagination." 

"I'm disappointed in reality when it doesn't match my ideals."

The dreamer stuff. You come back to earth and think, "Oh... that daydream probably won't work."

"Okay, so motivation might be the single biggest challenge for INFP's... So it’s easy to get into action when you feel like it. And when you don’t “feel like it?”
Well… good luck."

Yeppp. Have fun with school, fellow INFP's. Thankfully, I'm almost done. *smug smiles*

"It's my belief that most INFP's identify themselves as artists."

So, this was just a bit about what I think is my personality type. It was probably kinda lame, being stuff about MY personality. Like, who is that interested? ;P

*gives out free chocolate to anyone who read this whole thing*

Anyhow, my next post in this series will be a lot more fun... if I do what I'm thinking. We'll see. *secretive smile*



  1. I love your "Let me explain myself" posts, it's fun getting to know you better!! :-)

  2. This was SO interesting to read! Not boring at all. :) *takes free chocolate with joy* (hehe) I can really see how some of those quotes are exactly you. :D Looking forward to your next post!

    1. Well that's good! I'm glad you found it interesting!
      *gives lots of dark chocolate* xD

  3. I am loving this series so much!
    Can't wait for the next one!

    This post wasn't bring at all! (that's not hershey's chocolate is it? ;P) I agree with Shantelle, I can see how these are you!! Even I can relate to a lot of them. I must be a mix of an INFJ and an INFP. Though I always get INFJ when I take the test. and I relate to almost all the quotes about that type. But some of the INFP quotes are so me too! *laughs*

    1. I'm glad you are!!

      Oh good! (No, take your pick! XD) That's cool that you guys can see me in it! You might be. I think INFP and INFJ's have a lot of similarities. :) That's cool though!

  4. I'm an INFP too!! And just, yes. Yes to nearly all of this. xD Loving this series!

    1. Yay!! So glad you relate!
      Love that you're loving it! xD
